Friday, May 7, 2010


NOTW is Nail Of The Week =)

People who knows me well and are smart enough to notice, who know that I change nail design EVERY week. Sometimes twice in a week.. rarely but I just miss the smell of lacquer at times =p
After much consideration whether to do this NOTW thing or no, I decided to just impart another part of my life onto this blog. I couldn't care less about what people thinks, this is me, can't get a grip of me?Fuck off =)

Colorful Leopard
I have all 10 fingers btw, my two thumbs are hidden.

Short update,
I am gonna go pack right after this as I am going to go Malacca again =D
Chat with the Boyfy and he called me GEISHA just because I...

Like Geisha meh?!
Weather hot so I bun-ed up my hair.

Nights world =D


Dewi Batrishya said...

Nails looking soo cooL!

Victoria said...

Thanks Dewi =D It's just my interest on nail arts and I DO change EVERY week LOL
I am actually selling some nail art stuffs too... If you're interested you can add me on FB =) The name is Victoria Poh.

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