Sunday, September 5, 2010

Yearning For Loads of Holidays? MayFlower To The Rescue! - Part 1

Matta Fair has come and gone again for the year of 2010! Have you set your feet to PWTC for your 2010 dosage of great deals on flights+rooms for an awesome holiday? I sure did and Mayflower is my choice this year!

I made my way there on the second day which is 4th of September at The Mall, right opposite PWTC. Yes! Mayflower has had all the great marketing ideas all set up and placed themselves away from the others and well, they gathered crowds like honey gathers ants!
Was there with the Boyfie as we are planning our holidays and we want to check what Mayflower has to offer us =) There are so many things that I want to show, from the great entrance that Mayflower made to welcome guest to the loads of helpful Mayflower-ians that you can find through out The Mall.


Pretty sleek right the "entrance" and oh, mind the balloon guy, he is just stealing Mayflower's limelight cause everyone is there for Mayflower's super deals! I kid not~

And when I say that Mayflower has had the WHOLE of The Mall for themselves to offer all you citizens of Malaysia, again, I kid not!


Yup! It's Mayflower's stands all the way from the A side of The Mall till the Z side of The Mall. And they even got the coffee drinkers thinking of them when usually people sit down to drink and probably, stone there(?)
This is only the outer of what Mayflower has had install for you and I will continue with my shitloads of pictures on my next post of how awe I got with the friendly Mayflower-ians who attended to the customer's needs, the great great deals that they planned nicely so that we don't burn a hole in our pockets and also not forgetting the awesome places that they go to.
*it looks like they around the globe la~*

Here are some sneak peak~ *peekaboo*




Stay tuned for the next post as I want to share with all of you the omgitssoawesome deals from Mayflower! You will be so awe that you will go "Huh? Who is Re*****e again?"


Loo Han said...

can i be ur luggage on your hols?? :P

Victoria said...

Loohan, you meant that you want to be IN my luggage is it? Haiya, just go get your awesome deals at MAyflower! It's not expensive at all I tell you

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