Friday, November 5, 2010

My French Class

Been going to French class for the pass one month now and up to this stage, I still am very much into this 'learn a new language'course besides of the other units that we must take.
For those that hasn't know about this, where have you been?! I'm pretty sure that you're not my Twitter follower of Facebook friends *sad face*

Went to KLCC yesterday before my Wednesday's French class and I sat on the floor beside the 'Japan Section' of Kinokuniya and was reading on the arts and crafts that we can do using felt cloths, small animals/fake sushis & sashimi that can be made out of acrylic. Just pure awesome =)

And that is my French Professeur that I don't even know his name and he always say "Je'habite la lune~" which meant "I'm staying at the moon" wtf. When we asked "Quel âge vous avez?" and he will jump up and down and said "Je suis vieux, tu êtes jeune". I don't know any of his identity but I do love the way he teaches us, he don't speak Anglais at all and expect us to talk/understand him in Francais. That's the way to learn!

Yesterday, we were all to create our own dialogue with a partner and to only(duh)speak in Francais. Thus, the above is my sketch for the short conversation with my classmate. It's a mess I know because I'm no good in Francais,YET. LOL!
We were then asked to choose our own background or a scene and we chose the back ground with Mount Fuji and the conversation went something like this:

Shen: Bonsour!
Me: Bonsour! Comment tu t'appellez?
Shen: Je'mappelle Shen, et tu?
Me: Je'mappelle Victoria, Enchantee!
Shen: Qui, Enchante!
Me: Enchantee!

And bla bla bla because I forgot what I conjured up lol!

My classes are from 6 - 830 pm at Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Setapak branch and I live at Cheras. Yes, I know, you must be wondering what's wrong with my brains. Works from 9am - 1pm and then rushes off to class at 6pm. =P
Love for languages yo wtf LOL! So shall end this post with a vain picture of myself on one of the nights where the trains are weirdly not filled, when they are usually half filled =s

LOL! Act cute on the train because there's no one and I can to LMAO!


Unknown said...

oo~ i see TARC. =P

yinnkoon said...

I am not your Facebook friend or twitter follower but I guess dropping by once in a while is ok.

French. Interesting language. I took Spanish lvl 1 in university once. My English had never been the same for that one semester.

Victoria said...

Dylan, hahaha yup yup our 'beloved' TARC wtf haha!

Yinkoon: hey thanks for dropping by and it's good to ALWAYS drop by lol! And yeap, that is what they always say, you going French will make u have shitty english cause you always direct translate wtf haha

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