Monday, August 31, 2009

The Existence

Hey there! I am back and will probably get into a MIA season again cause finals are this week end and i my studies are still half way done and i am getting fidgety much! I want to get the best and to beat someone off the record as well and to show to everyone that i can juggle work, boyfriend, time for myself and studies all together and still score!

20 years old already next year fml please. Just a random thought and so we continue.

Yes, i am attached. For no specific reason, i found someone special and to tell the truth, he found me! Lol~ all thanks to my craving for Chicken Rice! What turf! By the way, i had always love having rice and my obligatory dish must consist of chicken so Chicken Rice makes a perfect breakfast, lunch and dinner(and 3 kilos after that wtf).

My boo and i am very the not shy to show him here and to announce to the whole world! Hahaha~ what turf.

And the new new me!

Thats all from me today~ Missing my boo now of course~ le sigh~


ftw said...

look great in ur new u. luv it :P
wow! wat a nice shot, 2 birds with 1 stone! All in ur hand, assignments, bf, time for ur fav chic'feast n d best part is...u still scored! good management! study in MIA now are much easier not like ours time...

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