Saturday, April 11, 2009

I am So Lazy~


For the first time ever since January 2009 up till yesterday, i have never failed to be sitted down without the company of my lappie but i broke my own record yesterday.

Yeays for me!

The actual story was, i am tempted to go online but guess that sleepness and tiredness wore me out and lappie gotta stay there alone. Yesterday was yet another hot day and that tires me even more! When i took my bathe around 7.45pm, it started to rain and my bedroom's window was ajar and it started to rain. Aww~the wind was so blissful and so i fell asleep on my bed with my hair all still wet and my towel not hung, at 8++p.m. Woke up by mummy to have my dinner but i did not want eat and ate fruits instead and went back to sleep till the next morning at around 6a.m.


Guessed the assignments and all the rush wore me out and and and~i did not blog so leave alone a picture of yesterday. My life damn boring so no picture!ahahaha~but i got a new hair cut yesterday and no Nigel, it is no MoHawk!Lol~sorry to disappoint you bro~Hahahah~


Saturday's finally here! The most awaited family day what turf~xp

You know what! i am just too lazy to blog now cause it is the same as every Saturday and i actually have loads to say but when i feel like it, i have no laptop! or internet excess! all i wanted to say is that my birthday is on the 2nd Sept and i want a pink mini Sony Vaio! so *erhem* and you still can get it for me! xp

*go make muffins now, i will be back later yo~*

the outcome! kawaii neh! and oishii~
i lazy to edit la~no frame no0 nothing~i am just so lazy~

and more in custody! lol~
no, actually the tupperware has no sides for us to close so have to tie it like this!hahaha~


Victoria said...

shut the fuck up u eldy!!! u think i don't know who u are! oh ure so going to get from me!!!

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